
I’ve always been passionate about helping people and seeing the beauty of our uniqueness. Studying energy consciousness for years has taught me frequency is everything. Get your inner world right and your outer world naturally follows.

Human Design & Energy Alchemy

Human Design is a synthesis of all the different aspects of what it means to be human. It combines ancient and modern sciences such as astrology, the I-Ching, chakra system, and quantum physics. We are all unique and empowered with different gifts. Once you can objectively shine light on who you are meant to be and what you are here to do you can eliminate resistance and bring more flow, ease, and acceptance into your life. Instead of trying to be like everyone else you can use your uniqueness to transform your life as well as those around you. Human Design provides the tools to shed all the habits and beliefs you have accumulated over the years. Stop struggling and use Human Design’s compass to find your True North.

Human Design dives deep into your personal roadmap allowing you to remember who you really are and reconnect with your purpose. Gain a mastery of your strengths, potential, and how to integrate into the greater whole with ease. Get out of survival mode and get back into thriving. That’s where creativity and manifestation naturally occur.

“Maybe the journey isn’t so much about becoming anything. Maybe it’s about un-becoming everything that isn’t really you, so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.”

— Paul Coelho

Quantum Biofeedback

Everything is in a natural state of vibration. If frequency can be measured, if it can be identified, then it can be shifted in some way. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could find out what stress disturbances and sensitivities are affecting your energy and get back into balance? Quantum Biofeedback will get you there!

This Biofeedback system essentially converts sound information into algorithm meaning and uses tonal frequencies designed to create harmony in the energy field and reduce stress disturbances in the body. I am also able to scan and read your biofield, or aura, to see how you are responding and what you resonate with. The Genius records your voice wave pattern and compares it with thousands of energetic frequencies to analyze where you are out of alignment physically and energetically. I administer balancing frequencies.

When our energy is out of alignment or vibrating at a lower frequency, we may experience physical, emotional, or spiritual problems. Quantum Energy Alignment restores balance and harmony by clearing charges and entanglements in the biofield leading to greater personal growth and increased levels of consciousness.

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you can not help but get that reality. It can not be any other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”

— Albert Einstein

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Learn more about how you create and interact with the world around you! Your unique human design results await.

Human Design is a powerful guide that reveals your soul’s energetic blueprint. It allows you to maximize your true strengths and live life to your fullest potential.